Alice Traish

Alice Traish

Alice Traish is an undergraduate student at the University of Manchester (Manchester, UK). She majors in English Literature and French. As part of the Erasmus scheme, Alice is studying French Literature at the Sorbonne University of Paris IV this academic year but also takes classes in law, economics and political philosophy. Alice has taken part in many volunteering projects in the past. In 2009, she traveled to the Indian Himalayas as a member of a voluntary team that helped teach English to young children and renovate a school. She also worked as a language tutor with immigrant children in England. At Manchester, she volunteered to help in putting together the University's first newspaper devoted to French culture and news which should begin printing in September 2012. She is currently a member of the Sorbonne IV UNICEF team. Her time at the iriv is an opportunity to further her personal and professional engagement with volunteering. For iriv, she has developed a first version of the blog for the rives de l'iriv.

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