Christoph Reinprecht

Christoph Reinprecht

Prof Dr Christoph Reinprecht, doctor in Sociology, deputy director of the Department of sociology, has been teaching Sociology at the University of Vienna since the early nineties. He has worked on social problems, precariousness, and migration, political sociology, methodology of evaluation. He has implemented research activities on national and international levels on precarious employment and informal skills, empowerment of older migrants and ethnic minorities, competence development in migration processes. He has worked on development of neighbourhood programs, evaluation of adult education programs.  His book published in 2006 (Nach der Gastarbeit: Prekäres Altern in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Wien: Braumüller Verlag.) concerns migrants form ex-Yougoslavia and Turkey. He was the Austrian partner of the Involve project on volunteering and migration.

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