Eve-Marie Halba

Eve-Marie Halba

Eve-Marie Halba is agrégée in French Grammar. Doctor in French literature (Université Paris IV- Sorbonne, 2000), she made her thesis on Renaut de Montauban, epic of an outcast which studies the banishment of a French epic hero in the XIIIe century (available at Septentrion publishers). She has published : La grammaire est un jeu(Librio, Paris, 2010); Recettes d'orthographe et d'expression française (Ellipses, Paris, 2009 ); Petit manuel de stylistique (De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2008) ; Petite grammaire française (Ellipses, Paris, 2002). She is the general secretary of iriv  since 2001 and an editor of the electronic review of iriv , les rives de l'iriv (www.benevolat.net) since 2004.

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