Key Tutors- un outil et une méthode pour identifier et évaluer les compétences clés auprès d'apprenants éloignés de la formation et/ou de l'emploi

Bénédicte Halba (ed)

  • Publication : 2016
  • iriv

The Key Tutors project has developed a tool for identifying and evaluating key skills to enable tutors / trainers working with learners far from employment and training to develop an innovative educational strategy for adult education. . By encouraging a skills-based approach, the project wanted to facilitate the transition of these learners to the world of education and ultimately to the labor market. It voluntarily fits into a local, rural and associative social and professional context. The innovation of the Key Tutors project is to build a tool and a generic method to be able to identify and assess key skills with adult learners from disadvantaged social and professional backgrounds or learners remote from employment. The originality of the project is to combine a simple or basic key skill with a complex or transversal key skill by referring to the European framework of reference "8 key skills" (European Commission, Brussels, 2006). This tool is a practical educational support for tutors / trainers which combines: a theoretical approach - by explaining the approach through competence - European framework of key competences; and a practical approach - which takes into account the social and professional environment of the learner profile considered - particular difficulties encountered) and which offers a simple and easily usable method of identification and assessment


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