Issue 11 - Solidarity for Ukraine - a taste for miracle

  • Publication : 2023

This issue is the first for 2023 and the 11th since March 2022. We publish a new issue every first day of the month as long as this brutal, total and illegal war lasts.
The taste for miracle can be understood in different ways. It may inspire pioneers who have achieved remarkable things that were never done before. It can also characterize exalted people who do not realize that the enterprise was lost since the beginning, and sometimes persevere in error. Until we try, we can’t know the outcome of a fight or an initiative. According to a quote attributed to French writer Antoine de Saint Exupéry: «They didn’t know it was impossible, so they did it». The motto of the Villeneuve family, who gave so many admirals and great sailors to France, shares the same spirit: “Remember to dare”. This new issue of our newsletter evokes different facets of a miracle.

1- No miracle for the Russian president Vladimir Putin
2- The Ukrainian president Zelensky, a miracle
3- « Dreamers »
4- « I have a dream »

Issue 11 - Solidarity for Ukraine - a taste for miracle
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