issue 7 - Solidarity for Ukraine - a question of time

Bénédicte Halba (ed)

  • Publication : 2022
  • iriv

This newsletter is the 7th issue since the 1st of March 2022. We will publish a new issue every first day of the month as long as this brutal, total and illegal war lasts. The psychological profile of Russian President Vladimir Putin is well known -  a cynical and brutal character, he knows only the balance of power. When he appeared on the international scene in 2001, he did not have such an image. In Slovenia, in June 2001, US President George W. Bush looked at him in the eyes and saw “his soul” . (1) In the legend of Faust, inspired by a German folk tale of the Middle Ages, popularized by Goethe in the 19th century (2), the hero is a man admired by the people for his wisdom and profound knowledge. Yet overwhelmed by the insignificance of his knowledge and always dissatisfied, he decides to sign a pact with the Devil who undertakes to initiate him to earthly pleasures and serve him faithfully in this world; in exchange Faust will deliver his soul to him in the afterlife. Has the Russian president signed such  a deal with the devil? To understand it, you must go back to his learning years and identify a breaking point – we suggest  a three-step waltz


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