Revalue tool to identify and assess migratory skills & competences

Bénédicte Halba (ed)

  • Publication : 2018
  • iriv

The first output of the REVaLUE project is the “REStArT”- a toolkit to assess formal, non-formal and informal knowledge, competence and skills as well as the education level of migrants. It is the result of different tools and guides already designed to support migrants in their transition in the labour market. It addresses professionals - both migrant service providers and job counsellors - to determine an experience, an education level and a master of competence and to assess knowledge, competence & skills of migrants, including formal, informal and non-formal learning.

This tool has been designed by iriv Conseil (France) and tested among professionals and migrants (Cité des Métiers, Paris, September to December 2017) before being dispatched among the ReValue team to be tested in the 5 countries of the project: Italy, France, Hungary, United Kingdom and Germany (January-February 2018). The testing had a double purpose: trialing the toolkit efficiency together with a first draft for potential user;being used for designing a more realistic resume (CV) & career plan to support their job search and career development for migrants.

The resume (CV) resulting from the ReStart toolkit should better reflect migrants’ knowledge, competence and skills, providing employers with more detailed, more efficient and validated information. The resume (CV) should be “certified” by the project partners- Erifo & Programma Integra (Italy), iriv Conseil & FISPE (France), Ashley and Rinova (UK) and Jovokerek (Hungary), to guarantee the truthfulness and the quality of the information provided.

The purpose is to overcome cultural barriers and prevent any skepticism from potential employers when they receive the candidacy from a migrant.Therefore the ReValue approach appears as a win-win situation:

1-      for professionals, this is an opportunity to test the tool and to make any necessary adjustment;
2-      for migrants , they improve their opportunities to find an employment more appropriate with their skills, experience and competences

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