Glossary - Letter S

  • standard (or referential)

    expectation, obligation, requirement or norm expected. It is possible to distinguish between:

    1. educational standard refers to the statements of learning objectives, content of curricula, entry requirements as well as resources required to meet the learning objectives;

    2. occupational standard refers to the statements of the activities and tasks related to- or to the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for - a specific job;

    3. assessment standard refers to the statements of the learning outcomes to be assessed and the methodology used;

    4. validation standard refers to the statements of the learning outcomes to be assees, the assessment methodology used, as well as the level of performance to be reached;

    5. certification standard refers to the statements of the rules applicable for obtaining a certificate or diploma as well as the rights conferred.

  • summative assessment

    process of assessing (or evaluating) a learner's achievement of specific knowledge, skills and competences at a particular time